Frequently Asked Questions
- Insurance ID card and photo ID
- Co-payments, if required
- Arrange for patient escort – REQUIRED
- Do not eat food or drink any beverages on the morning of the surgery
- Bring any eye drops or medication on the day of surgery
- Wear comfortable or loose fitting clothing
- Bring cases for eyeglasses, contacts
- Leave jewelry and valuables at home
1) What preparations should I make prior to eye surgery?
2) Can I take my medication that day?
Yes. Please take your blood pressure medication the morning of surgery with a very small sip of water and any recommended medications your PCP has informed you about.
3) What kind of sedation will be administered?
Prior to your surgical procedure, you will receive iv sedation and a local anesthetic.
4) What is the approximate surgical and recovery time?
The surgery center will call you the day before with your arrival time and specific instructions. Recovery time is typically 30 minutes or less . Please expect to be at the surgery center for 3 hours.
5) What should I expect after the surgery is completed in terms of reactions?
You should expect to have an eye patch/shield on your surgical eye. Do not expect any pain, if you have minimal discomfort, regular strength Tylenol can be taken every 4 hours if needed for discomfort. Upon discharge, you will be given your discharge instructions, post-operative appointment.
6) Can I drive after the surgery and are there any restriction of activities I should be aware of?
No, you should not drive after your surgery. You have been given an anesthetic and driving is contraindicated for safety purposes. You also have a patch and shield on your surgical eye, vision is decreased. Your escort is required to bring you home safely.
7) Who should I contact if I have questions about my bill and specific insurance coverages?
Please contact the front desk reception area at 718-502-3937. They are happy to answer any of your billing questions. If further follow up is needed, they can direct you to the correct department.